Grade 1 winter book - practicing verbs

This week my grade 1 students wrote and presented their winter books! 

We talked about using different sentence starters. Here are the ones we have practiced so far this year:

- je vois
- je mange
- je porte
- il y a
- je roule
- j'utilise
- je fais
- je bois
- j'aime
- je n'aime pas

I left the verb blank (je _______) in this book for the first time so that I could really see what my students understood. Some of them stuck to "je vois" and "il y a", while some were trying to use "j'utilise" and "je fais"! They were really excited about the challenge.

Our class goals were to also add in colours, numbers, and prepositions of place. We have been reading the "C'est l'hiver" book together every few days and practicing the vocabulary in our Daily 5 centres, so they were comfortable making up sentences with the winter words. 

Here are some of the book pages:

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